Identify Workflows
As part of the initial development of Mountain Cat Intelligence, there was a thorough review of workflow. A detailed approach was launched to interview all employees of Oxford Physical Therapy, where an investigation of what their daily work with the current software entailed. After this was identified, the next set of questions asked to the employees was what the employee’s “wish list” would be, to improve their efficiency of their daily tasks?
The Patient Portal Dashboard allows the patient to input their specific information that is then transferred into their specific patient account.
Intake information is for scheduling purposes. Mountain Cat Intelligence provides the necessary tools to quickly gather all patient data needed for scheduling a patient. There are insurance/payor information screens to secure proper coverage, as well as confirming this information if the patient is an existing or former patient with a new diagnosis. There are various payment options available, where the system is connected directly to the company banking account. There is co-pay documentation that not only tracks the patient transaction, but as with all front desk specialist duties, will track their productivity. Mountain Cat Intelligence also tracks patient visits and identifies patient authorization. Additionally, Mountain Cat Intelligence is designed so that any user in the software can schedule a patient.
This is the hub to get different aspects of the patient record. It allows the clinician the ability to access the patient chart. This also identifies specific clinician/center scheduling where notification of patient arrival & checkout times is documented. There is the ability of Fee Sheet creation, a report of all forms of appointment data, Evaluation Re-Evaluation reports, as well as letter creation.
(Electronic Medical Record) This is developed with complete customization of records. The intuitive nature of this aspect of Mountain Cat Intelligence allows for easy modification. There is also the capability of effective note writing and the ability to electronically communicate a patient’s status directly to the proper referral sources, while information is stored & saved. Another aspect programed into Mountain Cat Intelligence.
This feature allows the client to manage their own billing/collection in house. The procedures set forth within Mountain Cat Intelligence guides the billing professional and all staff for that matter, to input daily patient visits. This is then organized and delivered to the medical billing clearing house for proper batch creation and delivery to the insurance companies, for processing and ultimate payment. Along the way, Mountain Cat Intelligence guides this process for the client. At the conclusion of the patient visit, the clinician can start the billing/collection process by submitting charges within the software for that visit. As an operational example, all daily charges from the previous business day are verified by 10:00 AM the following morning, so that day’s billing is sent for batch creation to the clearing house, which is then delivered to the payors. This assists and expedites the billing process. Various functions such as: Posting Payments, generate statements, Batch payments, Transactions, Collections Report, A/R Reporting, Balance Report, and Daily Transaction Reports, are also within Mountain Cat Intelligence.
In any healthcare private practice, communicating the uniqueness of its treatment model is key. What makes the practice different? How is the practice different? How is this conveyed? These are some of the questions that are answered within Mountain Cat Intelligence. Identifying a specific target market can be determined by many factors including the tracking of, traditional referrals, a Direct Access referral, current & past patient word-of-mouth referral, as well as demographic tracking by age, location, and diagnosis. Additionally, because of the “Sandbox” built into Mountain Cat Intelligence, client information needed can be created, tested, and implemented in a very short window of time.
This information that Mountain Cat Intelligence provides can be used to send patient appointment reminder texts and emails, quickly communicate with patients in making any adjustments to their appointments, adjustments to their patient portal information, as well as sending company news releases. All with the goal of making an impact in the marketplace.